Sunday, August 09, 2015

customers and babies

There was a time when joint families were quite prevalent in India. And just like in a corporate job, in a joint family after marriage, results (babies) are expected!
With good results, i.e. loaded customer (only baby in the family), or great results, i.e., loyal customer (baby boy), that girl became the favorite daughter-in-law in the house. The jealous ones used other tactics like bribery (getting goodies for everyone from their parents' home), to earn that favorite category.
The tyranny of big corporations (joint families) led to startups/freelancing (nuclear families). Now they can work at their own pace (i.e. do the activity that produces babies), whenever they like, and produce results and get customers (babies) the way they like.
Because the investors/temporary (in-laws) boss can only suggest and they hold no real power over you.
That power has shifted to customers (babies) and their future with the partners in their new venture (family) is of utmost consideration now.
No wonder we've been pampering customers so much !! Now everything can be home delivered, I won't be surprised if they manage to do that for a new house also. Everything can be done online, all a customer has to do is click (all a baby has to do is cry). And customer's complaints are adhered to asap (same with when a baby cries, a different cry).
And how can we forget the rise of third parties (baby-sitters, maids, and baby products companies).
Respect for boss/investors (elders in the family) is important but that shouldn't make the customer's well being (baby's well being) suffer. Nor should the customer (baby) be pampered so much that it forgets the importance of your company (family).

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